Himalaya Liv.52 100 tabletta

3490 Ft

Várható kézbesitése 22, May 2024


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Cikkszám: 8901138110710 Kategória: Címke:


Himalaya Liv.52 improves the functioning of the liver in cases of infectious and toxic hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and other diseases of the liver.

Himalaya Liv.52 restores the functional efficiency of the liver by protecting the hepatic parenchyma and promoting hepatocellular regeneration. The antiperoxidative activity of Liv.52 prevents the loss of functional integrity of the cell membrane, maintains cytochrome P-450, hastens the recovery period and ensures early restoration of hepatic functions in infective hepatitis.

Liv.52 facilitates rapid elimination of acetaldehyde, the toxic intermediate metabolite of alcohol metabolism, and ensures protection from alcohol-induced hepatic damage. Himalaya Liv.52 modifies the lipotropic activity in chronic alcoholism, and prevents fatty infiltration of the liver. In pre-cirrhotic conditions, Liv.52 arrests the progress of the disease and prevents further liver damage. As a daily health supplement, Liv.52 improves appetite, the digestion and assimilation processes, and promotes weight gain.

Himalaya Liv.52 Product Features:

  • May help prevent Hepatitis
  • May provide relief from alcoholic liver disease
  • Can alleviate pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis
  • Possibly beneficial in case of protein/energy malnutrition

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