Olimp Perfect Skin Hydro Complex 30 kapszula

3400 Ft


Egységár (bruttó): 89,23 Ft / kapszula

Cikkszám: 132033243521310 Kategória: Címke:


Perfect skin hydro-complex ™ is developed based on the research composition of the supplement daily diet especially active substances affecting the functioning and appearance of the skin. Dietary supplement based on two unique sets of components: Hydro-flex skin complex and Antioxidant formula, which make skin healthy and attractive. 

Why the skin is aging so quickly?

Ultraviolet radiation, pollution and poor diet cause the skin to produce large amounts of free radicals. They are extremely aggressive and reactive molecules that cause considerable damage in the area of ​​connective tissue. When we are young, our natural defense mechanisms neutralize free radicals but with age this ability deteriorates. The aging process then proceeds much faster, it loses its fresh appearance and flexibility. Free radicals damage collagen molecules, the skin becomes less hydrated and limp, First wrinkles appear, which later become larger and deeper.

How to help your skin?

Due to the specific construction of the skin there are many factors affecting its appearance and condition. Skin is the external barrier so permeation of many nutrients and water is limited. The key to success is the food, and in particular it contains active ingredients that keep skin healthy. Scientists have discovered a number of substances in relevant concentrations slow down the appearance of wrinkles, filter out ultraviolet radiation and eliminates induced by free radicals, limiting their effects.

How moisturize and firm the skin from the inside?

Hydro-flex skin complex
The majority of water in the deep layers of our skin in the extracellular matrix of the dermis. It is bound mainly by compounds that make your skin elastic and mechanical strength. Perfect skin hydro-complex ™ is a dietary supplement that provides the most important substances responsible for proper hydration, firmness and elasticity of the skin. Hydro-flex skin complex contains collagen, the most common protein in the body. It constitutes almost 70% of all the proteins that build the body, so it is important the right amount. Collagen fibers cement the skin, giving it the right structure and flexibility. Its completion is very important, because with age the body produces less and less wrinkles are formed, and the skin becomes looser and thinner.

Hydro-flex skin complex is a moisturizing formula based on high quantity of exclusive hyaluronic acid – a biopolymer that binds water in the dermis. One molecule of this substance can absorb up to 250 molecules of water, taking the form of a thick gel. Hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes firm, intensely hydrated and smooth. Included in the formulation natural silica dissolved in the extracellular matrix of the dermis and it binds additional water. Well moisturised and nourished deep skin layers ensure the smooth functioning of the epidermis, resulting in a beautiful, firm and healthy looking.

Hydro-flex skin complex also contains biotin, an essential vitamin for the functioning of our skin, supporting the activity are important for its appearance and nutritional enzymes. Its deficiency often manifests itself in the form of skin lesions and rashes.

STOP free radicals! 

Antioxidant formula is a selected list of the most active antioxidants are important for the functioning of our skin. These compounds help to neutralize free radicals, which huge amounts arise every day in the area of ​​the skin, leading to its degradation and premature aging. Antioxidants play an important role in the functioning of our skin, by supplementing them we support its function and natural defense mechanisms.

Antioxidant perfect skin formula – powerful antioxidants that protect the skin against free radicals: The highly concentrated grape seed extract containing a large amount of proanthocyanidins (OPC) and green tea extract with a high content of catechins (EGCG), a pair of highly active herbal antioxidants, very effective in neutralizing the resulting free radicals in the skin. Moreover, they can penetrate between the molecules of collagen, improving skin elasticity.

PureWay-C® – a patented complex of the best and most quickly absorbed form of vitamin C with citrus bioflavonoids. Scientific studies have shown that vitamin C in (PureWay-C®) most effectively support skin regeneration. Vitamin C is also a key substance in the synthesis of new collagen molecules and a very strong antioxidant, so this is one of the most important vitamins for the functioning of the skin. Vitamin E – next to vitamin C is another important vitamin with strong antioxidant that is necessary for maintaining proper condition of the skin.

Albion ® amino acid chelates of the most important minerals for your skin: selenium, zinc, copper and manganese, guarantee the best absorbability and effectiveness against free radicals. Selenium is an element which, together with contained in the preparation of L-cystine compounds are building blocks of glutathione, one of the strongest low molecular weight antioxidants produced by the cells of our skin, providing natural defense against free radicals. The largest amount of zinc is in the epidermis, protects the deeper layers of the skin against free radicals induced by UV radiation. Moreover, zinc together with manganese participates in the migration of keratinocytes – specialized cells producing keratin fibers, supporting the epidermis regeneration process. Manganese is a component of superoxide dismutase – an enzyme neutralizing free radicals in the skin cells.

Carotenoids – beta carotene and lycopene, are extremely active antioxidants, effectively cooperating with vitamin C and E and glutathione, can accumulate in the skin, acting as a filter against solar radiation and the activity of free radicals. Moreover, after transformation into vitamin A, they support processes connected with reproduction, regeneration and “rejuvenation” of protective cells of the epidermis.


The recommended daily dose: 1 capsule a day between meals.

SKŁADNIKI AKTYWNE: Perfect skin hydro-complex™
Porcja: 1 kaps.
Ilość porcji w opakowaniu: 30
Opakowanie: 30 kaps.
Zawartość: 1 kaps zaw: % RWS
Hydro-flex skin complex:
Kolagen 300 mg
Kwas hialuronowy 25 mg
Krzemionka 10 mg
Biotyna 0,075 mg 50
Antioxidant perfect skin formula:
Ekstrakt z pestek winogron 50 mg
w tym: 95% proantocyjanidyn 47,5 mg
Ekstrakt zielonej herbaty 50 mg
w tym: 98% polifenoli, 80% katechin, 55% EGCG
Opatentowany kompleks witaminy C i bioflawonoidów cytrusowych PureWay-C® 33,4 mg
w tym: witamina C30 mg 50
Witamina E5 mg 50
Chelat aminokwasowy selenu Albion® 2,5 mg
w tym: selen 0,025 mg
Chelat aminokwasowy cynku Albion® 37,5 mg
w tym: cynk 7,5 mg 50
Chelat aminokwasowy miedzi Albion® 5 mg
w tym: miedź 0,5 mg
Chelat aminokwasowy manganu Albion® 6,25 mg
w tym: manganu 1 mg
L-cystyna 10 mg
Beta-karoten 1 mg
Likopen 1 mg

* % Referencyjna wartość spożycia

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Egységár (bruttó): 89,23 Ft / kapszula