Trec Anabolic Bcaa System 300 tabletta

6560 Ft


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Egységár (bruttó): 17,22 Ft / tabletta

Raktáron, 1-3nap
Cikkszám: 7755433 Kategória: Címke:


Trec Anabolic Bcaa System 1 tabletta 45 perccel edzés előtt, pihenőnapkon 20 kilogrammonként 1 tabletta napi 2 alkalommal kb. 30 perccel étkezés előtt. 




Támogatja az izmok energetizáltságát, megelőzi az izomfehérjék lebontását, növeli az izomerőt és az izomtömeg gyarapodását. Innovatív formula gyors felszívódású kapszulákban, melyek BCAA-kat, taurint és B6 vitamint


During weight loss or very intensive training can occur decay of body tissues (including muscle), this is due to an insufficient amount of calories in the diet. There is a way to limit this undesirable phenomenon to a minimum, it is appropriately selected supplement. The ideal choice would be just the preparation of amino acids, which previously had the opportunity to win many supporters thanks to the high quality and concentration of BCAA. 

TREC Anabolic BCAA System is the optimal composition ratio of branched chain amino acids (L-isoleucine, L-leucine and L-valine) enriched with Vit. B6 and energizing in the form of rapidly absorbed tablets. Intense training leads to a reduction of branched chain amino acids that build muscle.

TREC Anabolic BCAA System quickly helps halt catabolism and intensify muscle protein rebuild. The product enhances the growth of muscle mass and strength and improves physical fitness.


The recommended daily allowance is 10 tablets. Preparation drink about 300 mL of water.

  •  Day Training:
    1 tablet per 10 kg body weight 45 min. before training.
  •  Non-training day:
    2 times a day 1 tablet per 20 kg body weight approx. 30 min. before a meal.


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Egységár (bruttó): 17,22 Ft / tabletta